Overdraft fees account for more than three-quarters of service fees charged on customer deposits, he said. 他表示,在向客户存款收取的服务费中,透支费占到了四分之三以上。
This means that everybody is responsible for the whole amount similar to an overdraft in a joint bank account. 这意味着各方都要为总体债务负责类似于银行联名账户的透支额。
No overdraft is allowed in either a type AorB. What's more, a type B account should not be directly involved in any transactions, nor be applied to any external withdrawal service. 户、B户均不得透支,而且,B户作为结算户的后备存款账户,不直接发生经济活动,资金不得对外支付。
Establish special department to control internal authorized business and cancel the authorization of credit card overdraft to third-party payment account recharge to prevent problems which could endanger the safety of funds such as credit card cash in. 建立专门的部门对内部授权业务进行控制,取消对信用卡透支向第三方支付账户充值的授权,防范信用卡套现等危及资金安全的问题。